
The journey so far: projects and testimonials.

How do you truly change?

That question kept coming back—both in my own life and in the lives of the people I guided.

The New Reality School is my answer. It’s built on more than a decade of trial and error, learning and creating.
In my own life. In the lives of others. During the years I led A Lotus Seed

—my previous venture that underwent its own profound process of transformation.

What you'll find here is rooted in:

  • 12+ years of experience guiding transformation processes
  • 127 group trainings spanning 8 weeks each
  • 18 retreats in Belgium, Portugal, and France
  • 36 business trainings
  • 3,500+ individuals who explored their patterns, essence, and untapped potential
  • All grounded in a blend of passion for:

Emotion-based coaching
Social impact design
Human-centered Design thinking

Recent testimonials

These testimonials have been gathered from existing clients who have participated in pilot trials of our 'New Reality' experiments."

(A Lotus Seed) previous retreats & trainings

























(A Lotus Seed) live trainings & coaching

(A Lotus Seed) In the news in Belgium & Portugal

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